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When Is It the Right Time to Move from Assisted Living to Memory Care?

senior man looking out a window

Navigating the delicate balance between honoring your aging loved one’s independence and securing their safety and well-being can be one of the most challenging responsibilities placed on adult children.  Specifically, as a loved one’s cognitive health begins to decline, the decision to transition from assisted living to memory care becomes not just practical but essential.   […]

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Assisted Living vs. Memory Care: The 10 Key Differences

An older adult man with a cane smiles and laughs while sitting outside with a nurse and other seniors.

Navigating the path of care can be challenging. For seniors and their families, understanding the nuances between levels of care is paramount to making informed, compassionate decisions. 2 standard care options senior communities offer are assisted living and memory care.  Both levels of care can assist with daily activities and support for seniors, but some […]

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