Services & Amenities

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Elevating All Aspects of Life

When your loved one is joining our community, we want them to feel like they are walking into their home. With our comprehensive list of services and amenities for our memory care and respite care residents, they’ll have everything they need and more.

Our beautiful community is specifically designed to support our residents in thriving in their everyday lives and feeling a part of the Liana of Sarasota family. 

Schedule a visit to show your loved one our community space and amenities and to learn about the vast list of services that we offer.

Featured Amenities

While we have many enjoyable amenities in our community for our residents to enjoy, our featured amenities include our secured walking paths and our beautiful enclosed courtyard.

Our residents love walking the paths and spending time outside, taking in the beauty of nature, getting exercise, and soaking up some Vitamin D.

FOX Rehabilitation & Therapy

The FOX Rehabilitation and Therapy program brings clinicians into our community to provide rehabilitation to our residents. 

They provide therapy in a few different sectors, including physical therapy, speech therapy, and occupational therapy.

Physical Therapy

The goal of physical therapy is to help residents move around more comfortably and efficiently. The program focuses on strengthening skills like balance, fall reduction, mobility, independence, pain management, and quality of life. 

Therapy could include assessments, evaluations, and treatment options for residents.

The goal of speech and language therapy is to assist with our resident’s talking, cognition, chewing, and swallowing skills. 

Rehabilitation of speech disorders and social communication are also focused on during this therapy.

The goal of occupational therapy is to help strengthen the skills needed for the everyday tasks of our residents. This can include addressing tasks like grooming, bathing, dressing, and more.

Occupational therapy aims to help our residents live a more independent life while under our care.

Distinctive Dining™

At Liana of Sarasota, we’re proud to offer delicious, yet nourishing, culinary experiences with the help of our unique dining program—Distinctive Dining. Merging modern culinary creations with specialized nutritional services, Distinctive dining offers meals that are crafted to both tantalize taste buds and renew the spirit.

Attentive staff support each of our varied dining settings, providing a comfortable experience all while fostering moments of joy and community. Because here, every meal is integrated into the zest of Liana Living.

Moments Matter™

We recognize that life’s true essence lies in the treasured moments of today and every day. Our Moments Matter® initiative is a testament to our dedication to offering personalized memory care for our residents.

Crafted with love and the latest in holistic therapies, we ensure that those facing Alzheimer’s and dementia live their lives to the fullest. Moments Matter® at Liana of Sarasota symbolizes a commitment to compassionate care, letting our residents find joy and serenity in each delightful day.

A Resident Experience Like None Other

Our residents at Liana of Sarasota can experience our full set of services and amenities to assist with their cleaning, dining, medical, security, and wellness needs.

You can have peace of mind knowing that we have your loved one’s care covered.

Community Conveniences

  • Housekeeping
  • Linen & towel services
  • Trash removal
  • Personalized menus for each resident’s dietary needs
  • Custom meals & snacks lovingly prepared by our executive chef
  • Group & private dining options
  • In-house physical exam room 
  • Access to podiatry & geriatric assessments
  • Modern safety systems
  • 24/7 on-site staff
  • Routine check-ins
  • Secure & beautifully landscaped outdoor leisure spaces with walking paths
  • Wellness programs promoting mobility, physical, & mental health

Schedule Your Visit Today

Visit our community today and see our comprehensive amenities in person. We would love to discuss our services with you and how we can help your loved ones in their daily lives.

Why Choose Us?

Find Short-Term Care

In addition to memory care, Liana of Sarasota also provides respite care. Discover more about our short-term lifestyle services today.

Services & Experiences

Liana of Sarasota is intentional in the experience we offer, from picturesque courtyards to professionally-supported dining experiences.

Comfort & Convenience

Our apartments are centered around providing a life of comfort and ease. Take a closer look at what your loved one can expect today.

Our Location


  • 2630 University Parkway
  • Sarasota, FL 34243

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