Schedule a Visit at Liana of Sarasota

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Discover a Life of Comfort, Support, & Ease

Contact the Liana of Sarasota family to discover the comfort and support we bring to our resident’s memory care.

We welcome you and your loved one to visit our community and experience the joy of our services and amenities for yourself.

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Why Choose Us?

Find Short-Term Care

In addition to memory care, Liana of Sarasota also provides respite care. Discover more about our short-term lifestyle services today.

Services & Experiences

Liana of Sarasota is intentional in the experience we offer, from picturesque courtyards to professionally-supported dining experiences.

Comfort & Convenience

Our apartments are centered around providing a life of comfort and ease. Take a closer look at what your loved one can expect today.

Our Location


  • 2630 University Parkway
  • Sarasota, FL 34243

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