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Category: Senior Care

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Tips for Choosing Senior Living in Sarasota

An older couple sitting on a couch looking at a tablet while researching senior living.

Choosing the right senior living community is a significant decision that impacts the well-being and quality of life of our loved ones. Tips for choosing senior living in Sarasota can include: With its beautiful weather and welcoming atmosphere, Sarasota is a popular destination for older adults looking for a comfortable and vibrant place to call […]

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Why Should Senior Citizens Perform Balance Exercises?

An older adult is improving their balance by standing on one foot.

We may not recognize it now but balance is an important component of our mobility that helps to reduce the risk of falls as we grow older. Practicing and strengthening balance by incorporating them into physical routines has both physical and cognitive health benefits for older adults.  Importance of Physical Exercise  Regular physical activity is […]

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