Memory Care in Sarasota

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Personalized, 1-on-1 Support

We know that providing care to a loved one with a cognitive disorder such as Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, or Parkinson’s disease can be difficult and stressful at times. 

Our memory care services are here to help support you and your loved one’s needs while also providing enriching experiences where they can thrive. 

Personalized care and services are what we do best. We see our residents as unique individuals and can tailor our care to their needs to give them their ideal community experience.

Talk to us about how memory care can assist your loved one, and schedule a visit to our community.

Our Approach to Memory Care

What your loved one can expect from memory care at Liana of Sarasota is a set of safe and comprehensive services and compassionate care. 

At our community, our memory care services include:

  • 24/7 on-site nursing care
  • Comprehensive safety & security programs
  • Professionally-led health & wellness programs
  • In-house physical exams
  • Personalized dining services
  • Geriatric & podiatry care

Welcome to Moments Matter™

At Liana of Sarasota, we’re turning a new leaf in memory care. Our personalized Moments Matter® program caters to the distinct needs of our residents navigating cognitive challenges, including Alzheimer’s and dementia.

It’s more than care; it’s about creating a series of enriching experiences with holistic therapies and modern caregiving strategies. Moments Matter® is where heartwarming support meets daily joy, allowing residents to treasure each day to the fullest.

A Community That Cares

In addition to our comprehensive memory care services, our community as a whole is specially designed to support our resident’s cognitive function.

The design of our community facilitates relaxation and comfort in every room. Safety is a priority, with secured walking paths and a naturally-lit and easy-to-navigate layout, and our residents enjoy the beauty of our courtyards and walking areas.

Design choices have been implemented to enhance the mood of our residents and help reduce behaviors associated with certain cognitive disorders, such as sundowning

A Community That Cares

In addition to our comprehensive memory care services, our community as a whole is specially designed to support our resident’s cognitive function.

The design of our community facilitates relaxation and comfort in every room. Safety is a priority, with secured walking paths and a naturally-lit and easy-to-navigate layout, and our residents enjoy the beauty of our courtyards and walking areas.

Design choices have been implemented to enhance the mood of our residents and help reduce behaviors associated with certain cognitive disorders, such as sundowning

What We Address in Memory Care

Transitioning your loved one into a memory care community can take the pressure off of helping them with daily living tasks, and our specialized memory care staff understand your loved one’s needs regarding a cognitive condition.

Those with cognitive conditions, such as Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, or Parkinson’s disease, can greatly benefit from a memory care community, which can provide comprehensive services and allow them to enjoy the little joys of each day.

Alzheimer’s Disease

Alzheimer’s disease is the most common form of dementia and is characterized by the decline of memory and thinking, and behavior that can result in confusion and mood changes.

When this occurs, it can be helpful for a caregiver to look into a memory care community to provide specialized care and services for their loved ones.

Dementia is an umbrella term for many different conditions, such as Alzheimer’s disease, that affect memory, thinking, decision-making, reasoning, communication skills, and completing everyday tasks. Dementia is diagnosed through cognitive tests and scans, such as a CG or MRI.

If your loved one has been diagnosed with a form of dementia, memory care can help them live a fulfilling life while also caring for their needs and assisting them with tasks of daily living.

Parkinson’s disease is a cognitive disorder that causes the body to move without control. These movements can include shaking, stiffness, and difficulty with balance. 

Memory care can assist your loved one with Parkinson’s disease by assisting them with their daily tasks, providing a safe environment for them to live in, and providing memory services if their condition progresses.

Schedule Your Visit Today

As a caregiver, making the decision to transition your loved one into memory care may not always be an easy one.

Schedule a visit and talk to us about our memory care community and our services for our residents with cognitive conditions. 

Every moment matters, and we want to make every day count for your family.

Why Choose Us?

Find Short-Term Care

In addition to memory care, Liana of Sarasota also provides respite care. Discover more about our short-term lifestyle services today.

Services & Experiences

Liana of Sarasota is intentional in the experience we offer, from picturesque courtyards to professionally-supported dining experiences.

Comfort & Convenience

Our apartments are centered around providing a life of comfort and ease. Take a closer look at what your loved one can expect today.

Our Location


  • 2630 University Parkway
  • Sarasota, FL 34243

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